Workshops in Italy

Workshops in Italy

The workshops offer a wide range of creative activities to small groups of English and/or Italian speaking visitors who come from many different locations to take part. Just by way of an example, past events have seen us offering creative writing, watercolour painting, painting on silk, the creation of Christmas wreaths and urban sketching around…

Painting Venetian light

Painting Venetian light

All set up and almost ready to go for the watercolour workshop I am organising this coming May. Delighted to have the incredibly talented Cecil Rice along as our guest tutor. He will be joined by Sarah Sherwood who will be taking the group on a half-day sketching and snapshot walkabout in Venice, giving everyone…

Recycled music

Recycled music

Every now and again I make an assault on my collection of books in an effort to organize them a bit better. Don’t usually have much success as books are one of my great weaknesses and Amazon frequently drops a few more onto the doormat – vicious circle really. But this one caught my attention…

Back on Track

Back on Track

Probably a slight exagerration as far as titles go as I really am just dipping my feet back in here to let friends know that I’m still alive and kicking! So briefly, arty stuff has been keeping me incredibly busy for the past 3 or so months…you can see some of what I have been…