It’s that time of year

Got a very pleasant surprise when I opened up my mail this evening – I discovered that some kind soul had bought one of my calendars! Just want to say many thanks indeed to whoever you are and wherever you are! I hope the calendar gives you as much pleasure as it did for me to create the images inside it! If you are interested in a calendar for this year, check out my Red Bubble details on the links’ page. Red Bubble handles the print-on-demand calendar sales.
The surprise came at the end of a pretty exhausting day – hubby went off on the motorbike for a long ride mid-morning leaving me here to nurse my ribs and try to do some overdue web work. It is pretty uncomfortable to sit in front of the computer right now, but I managed to make some headway and hope to find some time to get in a bit of crafting next week – and maybe some more of that homemade bread.

My Christmas Swapper, Ruth of Nice Day Designs in Ireland tells me that my parcel reached her and that she was pleased with the bits and pieces I sent. Now I can look forward to her ‘donation’ soon which she tells me will soon be sent off to me.
Anyway – ’nuff said …
Night everyone!