Linocut prints
I had intended to do these the other day, but a few other things cropped up that needed my attention more urgently, so it was only this morning that I finally got working on my lino prints.

They actually take quite some time individually as the mixed media all dry at different speeds (inks, acrylic and tempera) meaning that I only manage to do one print at a time and then have to wash the lino and brushes – dry everything before moving on to do another print.
But I just love the muted shades which emerge for each print. Every single one is always different as it is impossible to produce the same effect every time. They really are unique and always a surprise, however well I think I know how the colours will combine!
Now I have to put them all inside their ivory coloured cardstock frames…
Still no time to cut any new lino, but I already cut about 15 different subjects, so there is quite a good selection of local monuments for people to choose from…